Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Everyone is the same in a way... People live in the moment... People listen to the words of the world around them rather than the beats of their heart... Pride and popularity has replaced dignity and respect... Love has become void... Lost has become reality... The princess will find her prince and yet again might her crown be crushed by the darkness of night... Tonight...

The knife on her back pains to keep the blood in, hoping perhaps that the blood will keep her heart warm... 

That was one roller coaster of a life time. One in number and the ride, well... bumpy as it can ever be... The accident waiting to happen... Maybe... The great times in between, happiness that brought the world down on their knees mattered no more as it ended in pouring rain of an eye... That is all that mattered? All that happened? All that was lost, it was all worth it, it seems... Happiness at last... It may last...

Life is a lie from its start to its end. They celebrate when we cry into this world and they cry when we happily exit! Happily exit!

No matter what, there was one thing you forgot! A promise never fulfilled!

The End!


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