Let me remind you that they are accusing Iran of killing American soldiers and no one is threatening Iran against any action while everyone is harsh in threatening Iran over any actions it might take on Israel! Do you see where I'm going with this? All that we hear are simple politics that are happening here to win over jewish votes! The sad of the situation is that people know that Iran has not provoked a war for centuries and even after the 1979 revolution while both Israel and the US have done so many times over! not to mention the provocation of Iraq to attack Iran with WMD! Yet right about the election time they are all worried about and Iran attack on Israel!? Shocking?! not really! this sort of politics are not that different from that of the Iranian side! Right about the election time in Iran you also hear of imminent US or Israeli attack on Iran to persuade the voters towards the conservatives!
Now I thought Clinton is not running as a conservative here yet in every policy difference that she has from Obama you smell conservatism! Remember the Republican numinee also wants to attack Iran! Clinton is trying to run as a conservative against Obama! This is a disaster from a loser who is trying to win a losing battle!
I simply don't trust a person who is for obliterating another UN member country (Iran) while this same person authorized a war for another UN member country (Iraq).
Besides if these people can not win a war against Iraq let alone achieving their objectives who in the world would think they would win anything against Iran! Also note that Iran is not stupid to invade Israel they won a war with them through Lebanon and that was enough to put them in place!
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