Flower hates the bee for hurting its feelings time and again, year after year... But flower cannot live without the bee... When the bee is around it's in pain, it cries... When the bee flies away, it dies...
Flower can live in the rain forest and not flourish... It can lose its beauty when it finds out where you were that night... Whose arms picked you from the stem and took you away... It died when it saw you going away on your own... Alone...
Rose turned yellow... Sunflower without its Sun... me without mine... you without yours...
My pen doesn't write... My mind doesn't work... My pillow is wet... My phone has been broken... Memories have been shattered...
The end of an era where we never thought... where we never imagined... The work of one destined both... Diamonds fell... Crystals broken... Visions wet... The end in second version... The end seems to never end...
When I was a kid, I looked at my dad's car and I saw my own face reflecting from the shiny part on the metal. I thought to myself that there is an audience that I can talk to and tell my life story. I was only seven. Now that audience has seen all of my life, so far...
I have started a tradition for myself. Every now and then I looked into a mirror:
"This has been my life so far, watch the rest of it live"
My dad has long been gone from this world... My eyes have drained from crying for him... I miss him dearly and I miss the childhood years of irresponsibility and carelessness... Today I am all alone... In every sense of the way...
My life has not been fair, so far... People that I cared for and loved returned it with the sharpness of their knives... I knowingly turned my other cheek for them to do as they wish... Sometimes what you wish for is not what it is and what you know is the real truth yet you put your head in sand and think the world around you might turn the way you want and by the time you reveal yourself you painfully realize that what has been left of you has turned into dust...
I want to be sorry for all that I have done but I don't know who to say sorry to... I don't know why and where my deeds have gone wrong that deserving is my punishment.
"This has been my life so far, watch the rest of it live"
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