Sunday, May 4, 2008

Last Night!

It is the last night of my educational freedom yet these are the beginning of mine! 

In the last few days I have walked to tallest point on the mountains and to the lowest point by the ocean. I have seen snakes and feathers on top, fish and larvae at the bottom. I have touched the shore and felt the clouds. Yet they were not the same... not the same! The scenery from the top to the bottom captured me breathtakingly. It was only nature that at times aloud me to feel alive. It was mother
 nature who mothered me at times and I felt the warmth... I have tried not to think but there is only one thing you can do alone on an Island and that happens to be thinking! At times I plagiarized my thoughts with side orders of dreams and felt the pain of reality. At the darkest moments of loneliness though I saw a man, whose hands helped me at the heights of a fall. Without his hands I would have fallen into muddy hills of mt. scenery. Hey there are good people out there...

The future may be whatever it brags to be, but today... Today I am mourning my past with its people and events and trying hard to take myself from it into the present. The present starts tomorrow and tomorrow starts in a car of a stranger who has offered to take me. Hey there are good people out there...


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